Moussa Traore was born and raised in Mali, West Africa. He has been playing the djembe for the past thirty years and has achieved great recognition throughout Mali as an accomplished musician in the theater, in traditional ceremonies, and in the Malian Pop Music scene.
In 1984, he began to participate in the Biennal Festival in Mali where he composed original and traditional music. During this time Moussa participated in the National Ballet of Mali as well as some others. In 1991 Moussa was invited to France to teach and give concerts. He concurrently developed his own company called Komi Jose.
Moussa immigrated to the U.S. in 1997 and initially settled in California. Here he taught drumming and performed with several renowned musicians such as Ben Harper, Taj Mahal and Carlos Santana. Moussa’s first CD, Mali Foli, was produced at this time. In 1999 Moussa began to work as Adjunct Faculty at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island.
Since moving to the U.S., Moussa has continued to distinguish himself as a highly respected teacher and performer. He has given drum workshops in cities throughout the U.S. In 2000 Moussa relocated to the Boston area and is currently teaching children at schools, teaching weekly community classes, leading drum ensembles for West African dance classes and performing with his troupe Timinandi and other Malian artists.